Thống kê công bố quốc tế các kết quả nghiên cứu của cán bộ giáo viên Khoa Chăn nuôi thú y giai đoạn 2011-2015

Tên bài báo Tên các tác giả Tên tạp chí/Hội nghị, hội thảo khoa học
Năm xuất bản/thời gian tổ chức  
Ghi chú
1 Effect of dietary crude protein content and season on the performance and carcass quality of exotic pigs in Central Vietnam Phạm Khánh Từ, Lê Đức Ngoan, Wouter H. Hendriks, Carola M. C. Van der Peet Schwering, Martin W. A. Verstege Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci 2011  
2 Inclusion of Ensiled Cassava KM94 Leaves in Diets for Growing Pigs inVietnam Reduces Growth Rate but Increases Profitability, Asian-Aust Nguyễn Thị Hoa Lý, Lê Đức Ngoan, Martin W. A. Verstegen and Wouter H. Hendriks J. Anim. Sci. 2011, Tập: 24, Số: 8, Trang: 1157 – 1163  
3 Building capacity for cattle production in Dong Giang District, Quang Nam province, Vietnam Nguyễn Xuân Bả, Lê Đức Ngoan, Lê Ngọc Tùng; Peter Doyle In Beef production in crop-livestock systems: simple approaches for complex prolems, ACIAR Monograph 2011, Tập: 145, Trang: 109-124  
4 Improved beef production in Central Vietnam Nguyễn Xuân Bả, Lê Đức Ngoan, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Clare Leddin; Peter Doyle In Beef production in crop-livestock systems: simple approaches for complex prolems, ACIAR Monograph 2011, Số: 145, Trang: 85-107  
5  Acute Changes in the Concentrations of Prostaglandin F2a (PGF) and Cortisol in Uterine and Ovarian Venous Blood During PGF-induced Luteolysis in Cows Vũ Văn Hải, Đàm Văn Tiện, HT Duong 1 , HV Vu 1 , MM Bah 2 , I Woclawek-Potocka 2 , TV Dam 3 , DJ Skarzynski 2 , K Okuda 1 and TJ Acosta 1 Reproduction in domestic animals 2011, Tập: 1, Số: 47  
6 Feeding Chromonaela odorata during pregnancy to goat dams affects acceptance of this feedstuff by their offspring Phan Vũ Hải, Đàm Văn Tiện, Thomas Schoniwelle, Henk Evert, Wouter Hankdrik Applied Animal Behaviour Science (ISI) 2012, Tập: 1, Số: 137, Trang: 30-35  
7 Improved acceptance of Chromonaela odorata by goat kids after weaning is triggered by in utero exposure but not consumption of milk Phan Vu Hai, Schonewille Jan Thomas, Dam Van Tien, Everts Henk, Hendriks Wouter Hendrikus Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2012, Volume 146, page 66-71 ? năm
8 Effect of Fibre Leval and Fibre Source on Gut Morphology and Micro-environment in Local (Mong Cai) and Exotic (Landrace x Yorkshire) Pigs T.T.B. Ngoc; T.T.T. Hong, N.T. Len and J.E. Lindberg Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 25, No. 12: 1726-1733, December 2012  
9 Nitrogen and phosphorus excretions f-rom chickens fed different typical diets in Vietnam.
Thong H. T., V. C. Cuong, S. G. Sommer, N. V. Chao, V. V. Hai, V. T. K. Van In Skoonawootritriron, T. Suwanasopee, D. Jattawa, K. Boonyanuwat and P. Skunmun (Editors): Proceedings Vol. II Abstracts of the 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress on Improving Smallholder and Industrial Livestock Production for Enhancing Food Security, Environment and Human Welfare, 26-30 November 2012, Bangkok, Thailand, p. 807. 2012  
10 Apparent digestibility and N retention in growing pigs fed rice bran supplemented with different proportions of ensiled Taro foliage (Colocacia esculenta) and rice distillers’ by-product. Nouphone Manivanh, Le Duc Ngoan and T R Preston Electronic J. LRRD. 24(4)2012  
11 Evaluation of a Nutrition Model in Predicting Performance of Vietnamese Cattle David Parsons, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Aduli E. O. Malau-Aduli, Nguyễn Xuân Bả, Lê Đình Phùng, Peter A. Lane, Lê Đức Ngoan Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 2012, Tập: 25, Số: 9, Trang: 1237 – 1247  
12  Distribution of macaques (Macaca sp.) in central Vietnam and at the Central Highlands of Vietnam Nguyễn Văn Minh, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Yuzuru Hamada Vietnamese Journal of Primatology, 2012, Tập: 2, Số: 1, Trang: 73-83. 2012  
13 The role of Women Uni-on in building the model for household economic development at Huong Van commune
Nguyen Thi Loc, Dao Thi Phuong, Tran Thi Thu Hong, Le Van An, Ueru Tanaka, Miki Yoshizumi, Ngo Quang Hung,Dao Duy Hanh, Ho Tan Duc Education and Research Cooperation on Environment and Disaster Management for Human Security in Asia, Kyoto University, Japan. 2012  
14 Prostaglandin F2a and reactive oxygen species regulate the bioactivity and protein expression of Copper/zinc superoxide dismutase in the bovine corpus luteum.
Hai V. Vu, Nakagawa Yuji, Takuo Hojo, Tien V. Dam, Mamadou M. Bah, Kiyoshi Okuda, Darius J. Skarzynski and Tomas J. Acosta. International conference on Biologically active substance; Venue: 50th Anniversary Hall of Okayama University, 1-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530, Japan. Venue: 50th Anniversary Hall of Okayama University. 1-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama 700-8530, Japan. September 13 and 14, 2012.
Best Student Presentation Award For Oral Session.
15 Manure management practices on biogas and non-biogas pig farms in developing countries – using livestock farms in Vietnam as an example Thu, C. T. T., P. H. Cuong, L. T. Hang, N. V. Chao, L. X. Anh, N. X. Trach, and S. G. Sommer,  Journal of Cleaner Production 2012, 27:64-71  
16 Acute changes in the concentrations of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF) and cortisol in uterine and ovarian venous blood during PGF-induced luteolysis in cows.  Duong HT, Vu HV, Bah MM, Woclawek-Potocka I, Dam TV, Skarzynski DJ, Okuda K and Acosta TJ.  Reprod Domest Anim 2012, 47: 238-243.  
17 Regulation of superoxide dismutase by prostaglandin F2α in the bovine corpus luteum.  H.V. Vu, T.V. Dam, T.J. Acosta  Anim. Reprod. v.10, n.x,, xxx/xxx.. Accepted in april 2013, in press.  
18 Roles of prostaglandin F2alpha and hydrogen peroxide in the regulation of Copper/Zinc superoxide dismutase in bovine corpus luteum and luteal endothelial cells.
 Vu HV, Acosta TJ, Yoshioka S, Abe H, Okuda K.  Reprod Biol Endocrinol, 10:87  2012  
19 Biphasic regulation of coper/zinc superoxide in the bovine corpus luteum during luteolysis.
Hai Van VU, Nakagawa YUJI, Takuo HOJO, Tien Van DAM, Kiyoshi OKUDA, Darius J.SKARZYNSKI and Tomas J. ACOSTA. The 105th Society for Reproduction Development (SRD) Meeting, held at University of Tsukuba, University Hall, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8577, Japan. September 5-8, 2012  
20 Evaluation of a Nutrition Model in Predicting Performance of Vietnamese Cattle David Parsons; Aduli E. O. Malau-Aduli; Peter A. Lane; Luis O. Tedeschi, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Nguyễn Xuân Bả, Lê Đình Phùng, Lê Đức Ngoan Asian Australian Journal of Animal Science 2012, Tập: 25, Số: 9, Trang: 1237 – 1247  
21 Ileal and total tract apparent crude protein and amino acid digestibility of ensiled and dried cassava leaves and sweet potato vines in growing pigs, J. Anim Nguyễn Thị Hoa Lý, Lê Đức Ngoan, G. Bosch, M.W.A. Verstegen, W.H. Hendriks Feed Sci. & Technol 2012, Tập: 172  (2012), Trang: 171-179  
22 Pig performance increases with the addition of DL-methionine and DL-lysine to ensiled cassava leaf protein Nguyễn Thị Hoa Lý, Lê Đức Ngoan, M.A. Verstegen, W.H. Hendriks Trop Animal Health Production 2012, Tập: DOI 10.1007/s11250-0, Số: 44, Trang: 165–172  
23 Phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships of the Polydedates leucomystax complex (Amphibia) Kuraishi, N., Matsui, M., Hamidy, A., Belabut, D. M., Ahmad, N., Panha, S., Sudin, A., Yong, H. S., Jiang, J.-P., Ota, H., Thong, H. T., Nishikawa, K. Zoologica Scripta 2013, số tháng 1.  
24 Effect of simple processing methods on oxalate content of taro petioles and leaves grown in central Viet Nam.
D.T. Hang, Leo Vanhanen and Geoffrey Savage, 2013 LWT – Food Science and Technology Số 50, 2013, trang: 259-263 ISI journal (impact factor: 3)
25 Effect of level of fresh duckweed (Lemna minor)in diets of chickens raised in confinement.  Du Thanh Hang  Liverstock Research for Rural Development 2013, 25(6) 101  
26 Oxalate concentration in taro leaves and petioles and effect of added calcium on nitrogen and calcium retention in pigs given diets containing 50% ensiled taro leaves and petioles. Du Thanh Hang and Le Van Binh Livestock Research for Rural Development 2013, Volume 25, Article 65. ISSN: 0121-3784
27 Systems of cattle production in South Central Coastal Vietnam Parsons, D; Lane, P.A;, Lê Đức NgoanNguyễn Xuân Bả, Tuan, D.T;, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Đinh Văn Dũng;, Lê Đình Phùng  Livestock Research for Rural Development 2013, Tập: 25, Số: 2, Trang:  
28 JICA Project activities in Huong Van commune Nguyen Thi Loc Asia Plat form for Sustainable community Development 2013  
29 Progesterone regulates superoxide dismutases (SOD) in bovine luteal endothelial cells (LEC).
Acosta TJ, Yada Sakiko, Vu Hai V 116th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Animal Science (Hiroshima , 2013.3.27-30)  
30 Effect of replacing fish meal by a mixture of ensiled taro (Colocasia esculenta) foliage and ensiled sweet potato vines (Ipomoea batatas L.) on reproduction and piglet performance in VanPa sows in central Vietnam
Tran Thanh Hai, Nguyen Thi Hoa Ly and T R Preston Livestock Research for Rural Development March, 2013, Volume 25  
31 C-haracterization and genome sequencing of a novel bacteriophage infecting Streptococcus agalactiae with high similarity to a phage f-rom Streptococcus pyogenes, Bai Qinqin, Nguyễn Xuân Hòa, Tang Fang; Chengping Lu Arch Virol (SCI) 2013, Tập: 0.1007/s00705-013-16  
32 Practice on improving fattening local cattle production in Vietnam by increasing crude protein level in concentrate and concentrate level,  Đinh Văn DũngNguyễn Xuân BảNguyễn Hữu VănLê Đình PhùngLê Đức Ngoan, Vũ Chí Cương, Wen Yao Tropical Animal Health Production 2013, Tập: 45, Số: 7, Trang: 1619-1626  
33 Hybridization between Macaca mulatta and M. fascicularis in Central Vietnam and Central Highlands of Vietnam: Phenotypical and Genetical Examination, Nguyễn Văn Minh (ĐHNL), Hiroyuki Tanaka, Nguyễn Hữu VănThượng Thị Thanh Lễ, Yuzuru Hamada.  Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on East Asian Vertebrate Species Diversity, Ha Noi, Vietnam 2013, Trang: p40  
34 Isolation and c-haracterization of bacteriophages against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains causing swine diseases Nguyễn Xuân Hòa, Tang Fang; Bai Qinqin, Chengping Lu African Journal of Microbiology Research (SCI) 2013, Tập: 7, Số: 22, Trang: 2787-2793  
35 Systems of cattle production in south Central Coastal Vietnam,  Parsons, D, Lane, P.A, Lê Đức NgoanNguyễn Xuân Bả, Tuan, D.T, Nguyễn Hữu VănĐinh Văn DũngLê Đình Phùng Livestock Research for Rural Development 2013, Tập: 25, Số: 2
36 Improved acceptance of Chromonaela odorata by goat kids after weaning is triggered by in utero exposure but not consumption of milk,  Phan Vũ HảiĐàm Văn Tiện, Jan Thomas Schonewille; Henk Everts; Wouter Hendrikus Hendriks Applied Animal Behaviour Science 2013, Tập: 1-4, Số: 146, Trang: 66-71  
37 Regulation of superoxide dismutase by prostaglandin F2a in the bovine corpus luteum,  H.V. Vu, T.V. Dam, T.J. Acosta Anim. Reprod., 2013, Tập: 10, Số: 2, Trang: 88-98  
38 Seed dispersal by rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) in Son Tra Nature Reserve, central Vietnam, Yamato Tsuji, Nguyễn Văn Minh (ĐHNL), Kitamura Sumpei, Nguyễn Hữu Văn, Yuzuru Hamada Vietnamese Journal of Primatology 2013, Tập: 2, Số: 2, Trang: 65-73  
39 A pilot examination of the fermentation products, aerobic stability and bacterial community of total mixed ration silage produced in Vietnam. Tu Tran Thi Minh, Van Nguyen Huu, Naoki Nishino Grassland Science, 60, 63-68. 2913  
40 Effect on rabbit reproduction of adding silver-nano suspension to the drinking water,  Dư Thanh HằngThân Thị Thanh Trà Livestock Research for Rural Development 2013, Tập: 25, Số: 9
41 Taro (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott) and banana pseudo-stem as energy sources for pigs in Central Vietnam, Dư Thanh HằngPhan Vũ HảiNguyễn Thị LộcLê Đức Ngoan Livestock Research for Rural Development
2014, Tập: 26, Số: 6, Trang: 129-134  


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